Increase search engine rankings through on page SEOMersey SEO

How can you increase search engine rankings through on page SEO?

There are simple changes you can make to your on page SEO

Take a minute to think about how well your website is ranking, better still pop over to your favourite search engine….Google and type in a target keyword for your business and see where it’s positioned.

Is it where you want to be? I’m guessing it’s probably not as you’re still reading this. Well worry not, we are here to help you to increase search engine rankings through on page SEO.

There are many different aspects when it comes to search engine optimisation and with it being an ongoing process the job is never done, there is always room for improvement and there will always be competition; this is something you must not forget!


It’s time to learn how you can increase search engine rankings through on page SEO

You are here for one reason and one reason only and that is to understand how to increase search engine rankings through on page SEO, don’t worry I won’t keep you waiting, let’s jump straight into it and look at the key areas of on page SEO and what changes you can make to improve your website ranking.

Everything should start with a title, even your page. All the pages and posts within your website should have there own unique title, the main or focus keywords for the specific page should be used in this title. This is just one easy way and most important SEO factors that can help improve your website ranking.

Are you the person who keeps forgetting to include META descriptions? This is one area that so many people forget about or leave out but it is actually an area that helps to determine where your website ranks. You can include keywords in this description and make it your own. This is the brief description people see/read when results are displayed in the search engine, it’s one of the first ways of getting someone on your website.

By including URLs that are search engine friendly this is something that I would definitely advise. It’s seen that shorter URLs rank better in the search engine, another way that URLs can help you rank is by having keywords included. If you have a long URL with all different words and numbers in chances are this is ruining your positioning.

META tags, does everyone of your pages have these? I didn’t think so, this is an easy way for your business to include a set of keywords for the page, it’s a way of getting an idea of what the following page is about.

It’s important that you break up your content into paragraphs and have them under different headings; these are called body tags. If you include H1, H2 tags within the body of your text then this sections your content and shows the search engine crawlers how to ‘read’ the content, it follows the importance of the page.


We’re nearly there, just a few more to go

I know this seems like a lot but trust me when it is all put into practise you won’t regret it as you will see that these different types of on page SEO have helped you to improve your website ranking.

Moving forward, the next part of the on page SEO process is all about internal linking. Use your content to the best of your advantage by linking to other pages and posts you have on your website, this is a great way of getting your website crawled properly which will help increase search engine rankings through on page SEO. As well as this is is also good for users visiting your website as it is a more efficient way to navigate around the site.

XML sitemaps are one of the best aspects when it comes to the different types of on page SEO. By having an XML sitemap included within your website it displays all pages on your website, again being a great way to navigate around the site and having the whole website crawled properly to help improve your website ranking.

It’s important you know what keywords you are aiming to target and where each keyword should be included within the website and different pages. One thing you definitely should not be doing is keyword stuffing because the search engine will notice this and punish you by ranking your website lower. As long as you use the appropriate keywords and don’t overuse them, you’ll be using keywords to the best of your ability.

If you’ve made it this far great because we are at the last point when it comes how you can increase search engine rankings through on page SEO. The use of images is an important aspect when you are trying to improve your website ranking but it’s crucial that you are using images properly otherwise it’s pointless. As search engine crawlers cannot actually see the images they are relying on the ALT tags behind the image. For example if you have a dog website and you have an image of a dog chewing a bone then title and tag the image appropriately to show the image is relevant and useful.


Georgia’s final thought

Don’t worry I won’t keep you for much longer, there are just a few quick points I want to make. First thing being that if you follow all these different types of on page SEO techniques you’ll soon be flying through the rankings on the search engine.

Areas that have proven to work for us is video reviews, by having a client giving you a video review it will show it is real and people can trust you. Also content/blogging is key in SEO, especially this year. Show the people visiting your website you know your stuff and you’re always active, this conveys the type of business you are.

By using all the points I have stated here your set for success online with both the search engine and website visitors. If you do need the help of the professionals, we’re right here.


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