• outsourced seo v in-house seoMersey SEO

    In-House SEO vs Outsourced SEO

    Much like the age old question ‘who would win in a fight between Batman & Superman’ the same can be asked when it comes to SEO. Do you employ in-house or do you outsource?? Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!!!!!! If you are looking to push the online side of your business further there will be Read more…

  • creating user friendly websitesMersey SEO

    The Importance of User Friendly Websites For Mobile

    Optimising for Mobile should Be one of your First Priorities Out of 7 billion people in the world an average of 6.8 billion are mobile users, and chances are most of these people have access to the internet so it’s super important that you have user friendly websites which are going to be responsive on Read more…

  • look at the best procedures for off-page seoMersey SEO

    You know about on-page SEO but what are the best procedures for off-page SEO?

    Let’s start from the very beginning, a very good place to start! There are plenty of SEO companies out there who always focus on on-page SEO, (us included) so I thought it’s about time to focus on the best procedures for off-page SEO. Off-page SEO really is what it says, it’s optimising away from the Read more…

  • Increase search engine rankings through on page SEOMersey SEO

    How can you increase search engine rankings through on page SEO?

    There are simple changes you can make to your on page SEO Take a minute to think about how well your website is ranking, better still pop over to your favourite search engine….Google and type in a target keyword for your business and see where it’s positioned. Is it where you want to be? I’m Read more…