If a jobs worth doing, it’s worth doing properly

Your business needs to compete and stand out on its own merits in a crowded industry, we want to ensure that your SEO is strong enough to manage this, without the need for constant costly campaigns and expenditure.

Our team of in-house experts, based in Liverpool, research industry trends that matter to our clients. This includes what clients are searching for, what their customers are looking for, how their competitors are structuring their content, and what user experience is required as a minimum standard (so we can exceed this)!

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  • Keyword research. Uncovering THE best keywords
  • Competitor research
  • Industry research
  • Target customer research
SEO and PPC research into your industry

Industry research

Without putting time and effort into researching your business, sector and website, nothing will work! As part of any SEO campaign, or even PPC campaign, the research element is the most important part. Here we would uncover things such as user trends (eg) what you target audience expect on a website, Keywords, not just the ones you can think of either (eg) lets say you are a car repair garage in Speke, you’d likely want to target Car Repair Speke, MOT Speke etc, but what about LSI keywords and those related to the primary keywords. Learn more about what LSI Keywords are with one of our partners Ahrefs., it’s a great read !


Anyone can setup and manage a Google Adwords campaign, but, and with like anything the devil really is in the detail. During the research phase we’ll look at the best performing keywords to target, what days and times potential customers are searching, and what, if anything is happening in your industry and location. We’ll also extensively research your competitors and get an understanding of when they advertise and a rough idea of their spend.

While we aim to get top spot for each keyword we target, there are always competitors and that the overall Cost Per Click will increase based on their bidding settings and of course during peak times when customers are searching. In order to give you the best possible ROI we’ll target the main-stream keywords, but also look at the specific ones in order to send more visitors to your website.

All in all, our job is to send customers to your website for the least amount of money using Google Adwords.

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Put together a PPC and SEO plan that includes targets and milestones

Keyword research

Your keywords are so important to get right, you might see some SEO companies telling you that they’ll “get you seen” or “help you stand out”, but there’s no explanation of what they plan on doing, or clear plan on how they’re going to get you ranking on SERPs.

We are so confident in our skills and services, that we actually charge you less until you’re consistently ranking in the top 1-4 places on Google.

How are we going to get you there? Careful research, promotion and development of relevant primary keywords, and a campaign that’s monitored, with viewable results on your dashboard at any time.

We will help you work out what your primary keywords should be, which ones you’ll have the best chances of ranking naturally for, and the ones that are going to get you customer attention. We will also help you work out your LSI keywords, and the secondary ones that are going to develop your strategy even further!

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Update website UX as to what is expected in your industry
Competitor research

When you think of your competitors – what do you think of their online presence? They’ve likely put a lot of time, effort, and money into making their page what it is.

Questions: Why on earth would we ignore such a dynamic resource? Answer – we don’t!

As part of our strategy, we look at what your competitors are doing – what keywords they’re ranking for, how they’re using SEO and PPC, and what you can learn from their expense! We’ll make full use of their efforts on your behalf – and that’s not just the positives, we’ll look at what they’re doing wrong as well, no point you paying to make their mistakes after all!


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We'll find the best and most efficient target keywords
Implementation and monitoring of your SEO and PPC campaign

Once we’ve done our research, and discovered the best plan for your business, we’ll discuss our findings with you and begin the implementation process. SEO is our thing, and we’re experts at getting these strategies from concept to conquering with ease! We’re so confident in our skills, and how we’ll improve your conversion rate with our optimisation process, that we don’t have contracts – we don’t need to tie you down to keep you using our services, you’ll want to stay when you see just how well we’re doing on your behalf!

At every stage of the journey, we’ll monitor the trends that are affecting your business, identify new keywords that you’ll do well to implement, and you can upgrade your products or services at any time within our client sectors!

Don’t delay, get your journey started now, and let’s get researching your ratings increase!

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Learn more about PPC and SEO Research from our SEO blog

If you’re interested how our PPC and SEO Research would help your website, checkout our blog posts written in-house and also by industry experts.

  • Mersey SEO

    Keyword Research, the best approach

    By Peter Duffy on 14 November 2022

    Unlock the potential of your keywords: Are you making the best choices? So, when it comes to SEO and getting your website ready to rank, pretty much everyone knows about keywords – that you need them, that you...

    Read Post

What are you waiting for?

I get that there are literally hundreds of SEO companies in Liverpool to choose from. So why choose my business? Well, we are 15+ years old and have ranked thousands of keywords at the top of Google. We charge less until your website is found, don’t require any contracts and offer live, real-time reporting.  Is that good enough?

Don’t delay, call my team on 0151 329 2509 today and lets get your website found and new enquiries coming into your business.
 Peter Duffy, owner of Merseyside Web 

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