look at the best procedures for off-page seoMersey SEO

You know about on-page SEO but what are the best procedures for off-page SEO?

Let’s start from the very beginning, a very good place to start!

There are plenty of SEO companies out there who always focus on on-page SEO, (us included) so I thought it’s about time to focus on the best procedures for off-page SEO.

Off-page SEO really is what it says, it’s optimising away from the website/page, but don’t worry it’s still a fantastic method with plenty of techniques that are used to increase the position of your website on the search engine.

There are plenty of benefits of off-page SEO so it’s important that you don’t overlook this optimising technique in your online marketing strategy.

Oh go on then, I’ll tell you the best procedures for off-page SEO!

With being an experienced SEO consultant in Liverpool we know the best procedures, we know what works, the methods we use haven’t failed us yet and we can’t see them failing us anytime soon either!

There are so many different techniques when it comes to off-page SEO so I don’t want to sit and bore you with each and every detail I know you’ve got things to do so I’ll stick to my favourite ones, I’ll stick to what I believe are the 7 best.

Coming in at the top, it’s got to be link building. Link building is such an easy yet super effective method of off-page SEO. You can get a link from other authoritative and relevant websites on the internet which will see you climbing the ladder of Google’s ranking!

My second favourite of the best procedures for off-page SEO has got to be social media.

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are 3 of the most popular social networks used by ga’zillions of people around the world, and better yet they…are free!

You can promote your business to a variety of people worldwide, increase your brand awareness and potentially increase your conversions!

facebook helps with off page seo

Take a look at this image of our Facebook page and you’ll see that we use it in 2 ways. First to share our blog posts which will direct users/potential customers back to our website and second by sharing relevant, useful links from other sources.

Sharing other articles, blogs and stories can go a long way in the world on online marketing!

Next and coming in at #3 on my hit list of best procedures for off-page SEO….it’s got to be video promotions. Having a Youtube channel for your business is one way which will definitely help you, although it’s not a direct method it’s still one that works; take at look at our home page and see how effective Youtube is for us.

Videos go a long way in this day and age, what better way than having someone physically talking opposed to a written piece of content? (erm unlike this one ofcourse..)

It’s more personal, it’s a much better way of connecting with users and your audience.

In #4 it’s all about real blog comments on other related websites. What better way of connecting with people with the same interests in the one place?

By leaving blog comments on posts which are relevant it will get you noticed by the search engine and you’ll be rewarded by your rankings being boosted. The great thing about blog comments is most of the time you can get a cheeky link in there too!

Number 5 is local business reviews, real ones. As a business of course you’re going to blow your own trumpet and boast about how good your company is, but what really matters is what your customers think.

Customer reviews are so important and a main source of gaining new customers.

customer reviews go a long way with off-page seo

Take a look at this. These are 2 of our very happy customers who have left fantastic reviews about our business because of the work we’ve done for them.

The likelihood is other potential customers will see these reviews, see how fantastic they are and opt for our help knowing they can trust us and we can give them the results they are looking for. Reviews and specifically Google Reviews also improve Click Through Rat (CTR).

Let’s say you do a search, hmmm go for  “SEO Liverpool” or related. Likely you’ll see our website and a Google Map with 5 lovely GOLD stars at the top.

Do you think a visitor is less or more likely to click on a website with the 5 star reviews? :)

Rocking in @ 6 is Article submissions. This is one of the best procedures for off-page SEO. It allows you to share different pieces of information across different websites online, it’s a great way of getting found but an even better way to show potential customers what you’re capable of.

Pro Tip ! Don’t forget to throw in a contextual backlink either, it’s all about your ranking after all :)

A final favourite of mine is PPC.

Now I know what you’re thinking, ‘PPC is the opposite to organic SEO so how is it an off-page method’? Well that’s why I’ve saved it till last because of course it’s not one you would use straight away, this is more of a plan B, the backup plan if all else fails.

PPC is still an off page method, one that will increase your traffic dramatically. Think about it, in a few hours you could have a full PPC campaign setup with your site at the top of Google.

Georgia’s final thought

So there you have it, the best procedures for off-page SEO according to me.

My advice would be to definitely put some of these techniques in place, I promise you it will help!

Don’t want to do it yourself? Not a problem, you don’t need to when Liverpool’s #1 SEO company are here increase rankings on a daily basis!
Our number is 0151 329 2988, you better get dialling before your competition does!

Hi my name is Peter, I run Merseyside Web and I'm passionate about on-line marketing. Interested in my business working for yours? Our £77 per week SEO services mean that it is now cheaper to rank a local site with Liverpools #1 SEO , than most of our competitors occupying the lower positions on Google! Check out our £77pw SEO services!

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