• marketing trends 2018Mersey SEO

    Top Marketing Trends to Get on Board With This Year

    The world of marketing is constantly changing and it can be difficult to know the best marketing trends to follow that will benefit your business. Marketing your brand is a big investment so it’s wise to get up to date on all of the latest marketing developments and strategies that are worth prioritising. While you Read more…

  • business social media profilesMersey SEO

    How To Create The Perfect Social Media Profiles For Your Business

    These days social media is big business for your brand, and if you want to get noticed and beat your competition then you need to be at the forefront of social media. The best way to get started on this is to get your business social media profiles up to speed. It’s common now, when Read more…

  • facebok news feed changes 2018Mersey SEO

    Major Facebook News Feed Changes: What Do They Mean For Your Business?

    The way we use Facebook is changing, particularly in terms of how businesses and brands can use the platform for promotional purposes. Facebook has been a great social media tool for marketing in recent years, however, Mark Zuckerberg has revealed that people are spending significantly less time on Facebook and that time spent on this Read more…

  • guide to organic social mediaMersey SEO

    How to Use Organic Social Media For Your Business

    The number of social media users has increased dramatically in the past 5 years alone, with a staggering 1.3 billion (88%) new users since 2012 according to Simon Kemp. This increase opens up a window of opportunity for any business seeking engagement with their customer base, so I’m here to tell you how to use Read more…

  • Keeping you all up to date

    We’ve made a few changes recently that we think you should all be kept up to date with – especially our recent re-brand and site move. We realise that it might be a bit confusing as a company to change things like this so suddenly, but it’s actually been a lot of long decisions that Read more…

  • #1 Snapchat Marketing LiverpoolMersey SEO

    How we’re bringing Snapchat Marketing to our clients

    Are you using Snapchat as a business? Social media advertising is changing all the time and it’s vital that your business keeps up to date with the latest trends, technology and systems. Here at Pirl Media we’re always looking for new ways we can improve our clients social media presence and Snapchat Marketing is a Read more…

  • Is your business using Instagram as a marketing tool?Mersey SEO

    Are you using Instagram as a marketing tool?

    How well does your company use social media? Running a business isn’t easy at the best of times; I know that there aren’t enough hours in the day for everything to be done but let me ask you this, are you using Instagram as a marketing tool? If the answer is no then not to Read more…

  • it's all about free advertising sites for your businessMersey SEO

    Relaying Digital Info in Real Time; Up to Date Free Advertising Sites

    Only Real Time Will Tell We all know that advertising needs to be a number of things: current, informative, inviting… but what no other SEO can offer you is advertising on a minute- by- minute basis via social media free advertising sites. Let me explain; we recently visited one of our clients who were hosting Read more…