#1 Snapchat Marketing LiverpoolMersey SEO

How we’re bringing Snapchat Marketing to our clients

Are you using Snapchat as a business?

Social media advertising is changing all the time and it’s vital that your business keeps up to date with the latest trends, technology and systems. Here at Pirl Media we’re always looking for new ways we can improve our clients social media presence and Snapchat Marketing is a method we’re really utilising!

Snapchat is a relatively new platform for advertising and more and more businesses are beginning to use it as a way of marketing to new and existing customers.

Currently, there are around 173 million active users on Snapchat, while the average amount of time spent on the app is a whopping 30 minutes.

Snapchat Marketing; The Power of the Geofilters

One of the funnest and most creative features of Snapchat is it’s Geofilters – these are unique overlays that allow people to show off where they are and what they are doing in style.

We’ve found geofilters to be perfect for bars, restaurants, hotels and nightclubs because their target audience is right on Snapchat; think of all the food, drink and selfie photos you can take with your branded overlay on.

With a geofilter people won’t need to be asking you where you went for them fancy cocktails or tasty looking meals because the filter will speak for you.

Snapchat Marketing through geofilters

As an agency we can design, implement and track your geofilter to ensure it is sending the right message as well as being used as much as it can.

If you want to find out more about how Snapchat Marketing could work for your business and what we can do to help why not get in touch?

Get your Spectacles out

Sunglasses that record; that’s Spectacles!

Trust us, they’re as cool and as clever as they look.

Most businesses use Geofilters and Snapchat Ads, but Spectacles take things to a whole new level. Imagine giving your audience a real 115* view of your live events, behind the scenes and other cool stuff.

We’ve given Spectacles to our clients who host amazing live events – everything from samba dancing to open mic nights, and the response has been fantastic.

Snapchat marketing through spectacles

They make your audience truly feel like they are there in the moment, not just looking at a general video through a phone screen.

If you’re interested in taking your live content to a whole new level you know where we are.

Stefan’s Social Suggestion

If your business is not using Snapchat marketing Liverpool, you really should! If you can’t do geofilters, ads or Spectacles, at least create an account and post some content :)

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