• web design questions to askMersey SEO

    Web Design Companies – the best questions to ask them

    The best Questions to ask a Web Design Company – according to a Web Design Company Over the years we’ve had loads of web design enquiries, most turn into new customers, some don’t, but the majority have the same set of questions – which are: How much will it cost? How long will it take Read more…

  • if your website was dating google - peteduffy.co.ukMersey SEO

    Dating Google – a Mine field

    If your Website was Dating Google This time 2 years ago I was a Key Holder based in a highly reputable discount store. If a customer was to ask me if we supplied SEO I would more than likely reply with, “sorry we don’t stock that in here, why don’t you try the shop next door”. Until I Read more…

  • Website Marketing done rightMersey SEO

    Website Marketing done right

    Everyone wants to be top of Google First things first, this is quite a long post so it might be best to get in a comfy position, pour yourself a cuppa and definately open a packet of Hobnobs. Every week we get lots of enquiries from prospective customers looking for their site to be found, Read more…