if your website was dating google - peteduffy.co.ukMersey SEO

Dating Google – a Mine field

If your Website was Dating Google

This time 2 years ago I was a Key Holder based in a highly reputable discount store. If a customer was to ask me if we supplied SEO I would more than likely reply with, “sorry we don’t stock that in here, why don’t you try the shop next door”.

Until I started with Pirl Media I had no idea what SEO meant. Although with the professional guidance from Pete and the determination to learn I am now on my way to becoming an SEO addict.

As a newbie I found the term SEO intimidating, but instead of putting my head in the sand I decided to simplify the process so it was easier to understand. One day I thought to myself well, you’re trying to get your website to impress Google. So really it’s technically like going on a first date. THEN IT CLICKED!

The Dating Process


So you’ve met someone you like, but they are also interested in other people. You think to yourself, ‘What have I got to do to stand out from the rest?‘ So maybe you would change your appearance, perhaps you would get a hair cut, a new outfit or even a try a new fragrance.

It works the exact same with Google and your website. Google has thousands of other sites to ‘see’ with the same targeted keywords as yours. You need to impress google with a good user experience and ensure your site looks good and has strong titles, engaging colour schemes, tantalizing images and videos. Not forgetting to backlink your site from high value Directories, 3rd Party Sites and Social Networks…All to get Google to notice you!

Be Unique

So you’ve bagged yourself a date. Congratulations. Where do you plan to go for dinner? NO! Remember this person has thousands of other people yearning for a date with the same intention to go for ‘dinner‘. Ensure you make yourself memorable, go Skydiving, Rock climbing – you get the idea, whatever you decide to do just make sure you don’t get lost in the crowd and above all keep Google entertained

Google has thousands of other websites to maintain who also share the same keywords as you. Most websites have the standard text, odd picture, and yawn yawn, zzzzzz’s.

Think outside the box look at your competitors and have a peek at what they haven’t got. It’s 2015 and it’s still very rare you see a video on individuals website. The beauty of a video is it raises the user time up by at least double which in turn helps raise your website through the Google ranks!

Saying The Right Thing

So you’re on the date you’ve worked so hard for and then disaster strikes. You find yourself repeating the same old joke..again. After a while your date is starting to look bored and is looking around for someone more interesting. Remember to keep your conversation fresh, ask unique questions and please, stay away from them horrifying jokes.

Google uses an algorithm to determine which website with the same keywords as you deserves to be at the top of the pile – organically. One thing Google does to determine your rank is examine your website content. The more unique and creative it is the more ‘Google points‘ you will receive. Although if Google detects the use of your content else where on the world wide web for instance, if you copy and paste it from 3rd party site. Google can instantly wipe you of the first page and in some circumstances wipe you from the internet all together!

Would you like to impress Google with your website? Or would you even like some dating tips? We are here to help, well not really for the dating tips… Call us today on 0151 329 2988 or go straight to our FREE quote page and one of our team will be in contact straight away. If you’re lucky enough it might be me!

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