• Website User Experience

    Does Your Website Tick all of the Boxes? It sounds crazy to say but getting visitors to a website is relatively easy, the upshot is converting a visitor into a paying customer and this is what separates the big boys from the erm..not so big boys. We’ve sat down with a fair few SEO clients Read more…

  • We love talking about the benefits of Google My BusinessMersey SEO

    Why you should be using Google My Business for online marketing

    Are you wondering how to get your business on Google and improve your google search results? Google My Business is the way to do this and I can show you why and how. Over recent years Facebook and Twitter have stolen the limelight in terms of marketing businesses online, which has left other social media Read more…

  • it's all about free advertising sites for your businessMersey SEO

    Relaying Digital Info in Real Time; Up to Date Free Advertising Sites

    Only Real Time Will Tell We all know that advertising needs to be a number of things: current, informative, inviting… but what no other SEO can offer you is advertising on a minute- by- minute basis via social media free advertising sites. Let me explain; we recently visited one of our clients who were hosting Read more…

  • creating user friendly websitesMersey SEO

    The Importance of User Friendly Websites For Mobile

    Optimising for Mobile should Be one of your First Priorities Out of 7 billion people in the world an average of 6.8 billion are mobile users, and chances are most of these people have access to the internet so it’s super important that you have user friendly websites which are going to be responsive on Read more…

  • AMP HTMLMersey SEO

    Google’s AMP HTML Speeds up Page Load Time!

    AMP HTML can Improve Website Performance In February 2016, Google launched the AMP HTML Project to improve mobile experiences through a framework of HTML elements which decrease page load time when users request websites on mobile devices. In short: implementing AMP HTML can improve website performance! Did you Know: “Soasta found 47% of users expect Read more…

  • improve search engine ranking using google local reviewsMersey SEO

    Do Google local reviews Improve Search Engine Rankings?

    What are Google Local reviews and do they Improve Search Engine Ranking? Google local reviews are local business reviews customers leave to reflect on their past experiences with your business. These local business reviews combined with information displayed on Google Places and the volume and consistency of local citations, can improve search engine ranking on Read more…

  • Finding out what questions to ask a web designer and why.Mersey SEO

    The lowdown on what questions to ask a web designer

    Know what questions to ask a web designer Is the design of your website the reason why your not doing as well as you thought you should be? Maybe it is time that you get your website redesigned but before you sign up a designer you need to know what questions to ask a web Read more…

  • if your website was dating google - peteduffy.co.ukMersey SEO

    Dating Google – a Mine field

    If your Website was Dating Google This time 2 years ago I was a Key Holder based in a highly reputable discount store. If a customer was to ask me if we supplied SEO I would more than likely reply with, “sorry we don’t stock that in here, why don’t you try the shop next door”. Until I Read more…