Finding out what questions to ask a web designer and why.Mersey SEO

The lowdown on what questions to ask a web designer

Know what questions to ask a web designer

Is the design of your website the reason why your not doing as well as you thought you should be? Maybe it is time that you get your website redesigned but before you sign up a designer you need to know what questions to ask a web designer.

As a business it’s great if people are finding your website online but it isn’t so great when they are clicking back off your site because they don’t like the look of it, just like when it comes to meeting a new person, first impressions are a key factor and this is exactly the same when it comes to a website. If a user doesn’t like the look of your website then I highly doubt they are going to stay on the site or return in the future and this all comes down to user experience.

It is so important to have a website designed in a way that you know is going to do the job of attracting new customers, making them stay on the site and actually making them take a desired action e.g purchasing a product/service.


The Questions

Enough of me going on about web design and what questions should be asked, it’s time to get down to business and discuss the main reason behind this blog; What questions to ask a web designer.

How is your web design going to help my business?

You want to know that the person you are hiring will actually be able to help your business, you need to know that the design work they are going to do and can do is going to go towards helping you to meet your business goals.

Do you carry out market research before hand?

You need to know that the designer you are going to hire is going to do some research about your business and your target audience so that they can design it in a way that is going to suit and attract them.

Are you going to analyse my site traffic before you start designing?

It is important for the designer to know what parts of your site are getting more traffic than others, this way it can give them more of an idea how to go about the design of the website, this way it will be designed for more traffic to visit more pages.

Are your websites you create easy-to-use?

You obviously want your website too look good and attract users but it’s no good if the site involves too much detail/information as it could begin to confuse users. This is why you need to make sure the site will be designed in a way that will suit all users and isn’t too complicated or difficult to use.

Do you carry out competitive research?

By looking and being aware of the competition it can help your results because the designer will know what you have to compete with in terms of business and website.

Do you create wireframes before designing a website?

One detail you should definitely find out is whether your designer creates visual representations of where the content of the website will go before hand. This will show they are planning properly and not just jumping straight into it.

What are your business results like for other clients?

It is a good idea to ask a designer this because first of all it will show who is professional because if they are they will already have a portfolio ready to show their work and also you will be able to see what the designer is capable of and see whether it will meet the standards you are looking for for your website.

How much time do you spend researching and planning?

It is important you find out that your web designer will spend a good amount of time planning and researching, this means the market, competitors and your business so that the website is designed appropriately and properly for your business so that it can compete and be successful online.

How much do you charge for web design?

Designing a website is something that takes time and expertise so can cost a fair amount, so if your web designer is charging a cheap rate this could be an insight that they may take shortcuts and not do the work properly, make sure you are getting a rate that is fair and that conveys what type of designer they actually are.


Georgia’s Final Thought

So there you have it, you have all the questions you need when it comes to knowing what questions to ask a web designer, make sure you don’t hesitate when it comes to hiring a website because if you do you may end up with poor results and you will only have yourself to blame. Be picky, after all it is your website and money that is involved.



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