business social media profilesMersey SEO

How To Create The Perfect Social Media Profiles For Your Business

These days social media is big business for your brand, and if you want to get noticed and beat your competition then you need to be at the forefront of social media. The best way to get started on this is to get your business social media profiles up to speed.

It’s common now, when searching for a particular service or brand, to check for social media profiles. If your potential customers or clients come across ‘this page cannot be found’ when searching for your brand, you’re doing yourself no favours as your potential customer is likely to find a competitor instead. Likewise if you do have social media profiles but they don’t reflect your brand and need a lot of improvements, this could also drive customers away from your business.

Customers and clients use social media to interact with your brand and to gain a true insight into your products and services. It also makes your brand more human and personal which makes people more likely to invest in your business. Make sure you’re active on all social media platforms and, if you can, hire someone to dedicate their time to your social media, if you can’t then there are simple things you can do yourself to create the very best first impression on various social networks.

From Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, to Snapchat, Linkedin, and Pinterest, there are so many social networking platforms out there with millions of active users everyday and plenty of business opportunity for you. So don’t be a social media technophobe and get active on all social networks!

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If you’re unsure where to start when it comes to creating engaging and interactive business social media profiles that reflect your brand, read this guide where I give you some simple tips and tricks to creating successful social media profiles.

Make your profiles instantly recognisable

Make your brand easy to find on all social networks by including your brand name, logo and service in your bios, profile picture and headers. Don’t over complicate your username as many people will simply search your brand name, and if your username isn’t taken you should appear in the top results, it’s all about establishing brand dominance.

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If you want your brand to be recognised visually through your brand logo then make sure this is your profile picture and save the default image as your name so this image appears in google results when searching your brand name.

Your bio is also essential when it comes to making your brand recognisable and informing your followers of your service. Keep it short and sweet but effective by including keywords for SEO purposes. Promote yourself and your brand as much as you can in the word count but ensure that it’s friendly and not just a sales pitch!

Be consistent across all social media profiles

All social networks vary in terms of layout and audience. Instagram has over 800 million active users a month and is more visual, mobile friendly, and targeted at the younger generation. Twitter has over 330 million monthly active users who are mainly young males whilst the 2.2 billion monthly Facebook users range in age group and are predominantly female. Although each social network is different it’s important to be consistent when representing your brand on each of your social media platforms.

Keep the same profile picture on each of your business social media profiles as the more people see your brand logo across various different social networks the more dominant your brand will become. You can change up your bio and layout to suit the target audience of that particular social network but always keep your brand image consistent!

Add keywords and create links for SEO

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SEO is vital to gaining industry dominance and this can also be incorporated in social media marketing through keywords and links. Get to know what your customers are searching for in your industry and target these keywords. For instance, if your industry is carpet cleaning, include the keyword ‘carpet cleaning’ throughout your social media profile as much as possible in your bio, photo names, headers, and in your interests.

Ensure you have working links that direct back to your website when promoting a product or service. Take advantage of spaces that allow you to add links by not only linking back to your website but also to your other social media profiles to increase engagement across all social networks.

Quick Tip: Update the link in your bios regularly according to any latest news, events and promotions that you have ongoing to keep your brand relevant and make you appear active and involved.

Create Quality Images and Content

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Create insta-worthy images that are high quality and look great on various devices and social networks. You will be using your business social media profiles to promote your products and services so it’s important to show them off in the best light possible and give your brand a professional image. However, try and steer clear of heavy filters to keep your images accurate and real to avoid giving your customers a false representation of your products.

Your written content should also be fun, witty and informative to keep your readers engaged and keep them scrolling throughout your profile! Not sure how to create content? Here’s a guide to writing SEO friendly content that works well for social media.

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Laura’s Last Words On Creating Successful Business Social Media Profiles

Social media marketing is not all about generating likes, it’s about the quality of the engagement and interaction between you and your customer following. Think of social media as an extension of your website where you can be interactive with the wider community whilst promoting your products and services.

If you’re just starting out with social media then these are just some of the basic tips and tricks that can make a real difference to how you present your social media profiles that will eventually lead on to a successful and large customer following.

Want to know more about social media marketing? Reach out to me via Twitter @foundd_laura.

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