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The Power Of Blog Posts In Content Marketing

I’ve discussed in the past how to create good quality and SEO friendly content and I now want to talk a bit more about what you can gain from content marketing, and how blog posts can be a powerful thing!

So, you’ve put together that compelling piece of content, complete with images, titles, bullet points and an interesting topic, but where do you go from here and what is it doing for your brand?

You may feel that your brand is not something many people would be interested in reading about, and that a blog post that won’t be read does not serve any purpose or benefit your brand.

do people care about brand

However, working with many brands and writing about various different topics and seeing success generated from these posts has proven to me the power of writing good quality content no matter the industry or its size. After all, if a consumer is interested in your industry they will want to be more informed about products and services and SEO friendly blog posts are the perfect way to do this, so why not invest time into blogging and your business will benefit substantially!

Sounding more interesting? Read on to find out more!

content marketing advice

Increase Communication and Develop A Relationship With Customers

Blog posts are a great way to build on existing product descriptions in a more persuasive and informative way. If a customer is interested in a product or service they will want as much information about it before they invest in it. They will search your website for more information and reviews on the product and service, and blog posts should be the place they find them.

customer communication

It is all about the trust and the relationship that you have with your customers. Communication is key in building this trust and blogging is a direct way of communicating and building a relationship with customers. Rather than solely using blog posts for advertising, interact with customers by using it as a way of answering queries, informing your audience about products and services and showing your brand’s personality and voice.

People like to see that there are humans behind your website and blog posts allow you to be more personal and approachable. This relationship and regular communication will keep customers returning to your website time and time again.

Increase Rankings And Traffic To Your Website With SEO Friendly Content

seo friendly content

The more blog posts you have and the more engaging they are, the more traffic you will drive to your website. Your blog posts will be the source of information in your particular industry that customers will keep on referring to. The more traffic you have to your website and the longer these readers stay on your website, they are more likely to become potential customers rather than just readers.

Throughout your blog post you will have keywords that are ranking high in your industry. Carefully placed keywords within the content and images will significantly improve your SEO. These keywords could be your products and services and if they are written about regularly your rankings for these particular keywords will increase.

In my experience of content writing I have seen client’s keyword rankings go up 60+ places simply through optimised blog posts which speaks for itself, blog posts really do have the power to increase rankings and drive traffic to your website and turn this into sales.

Establish Your Brand As An Authority In Its Industry

If your brand is the only one in its industry that is blogging it will instantly put your brand above your competitors. If your competitors are also blogging then ensure that your SEO friendly content is of a high standard with quality writing and images.

By showing that you know what you’re talking about through well informed blog posts, the customer will treat your business as the place to find out everything there is to know about your particular industry and place your business in an authoritative position.

seo rankings liverpool

In SEO your aim is to get your business to the top of Google and content marketing is key to achieving this. With the increased traffic that will be visiting your website, high keyword rankings, and by including authoritative internal and external links you will become a more trusted brand and Google will place your business as an authority in its listings.

Laura’s Last Words  

Admittedly, I’ve championed blogging a lot in the past and with good reason. In my experience of content marketing I have seen small businesses generate a lot of success from SEO friendly content in terms of brand awareness and revenue. If you are consistent with regular and quality blog posts you will build a positive rapport with customers, increase your Google rankings and establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

So knowing all that can be achieved from content marketing I suggest you get to work researching your industry and getting to know exactly what your customers are looking for.

If you need any help with content marketing reach out to me via Twitter @foundd_laura or call me on 0151 329 2988.

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