Could local video SEO help your business?Mersey SEO

Local Video SEO; Could it be the solution for your business?

Video SEO…it works!

There are so many people and companies who don’t know about local video SEO, never mind knowing how useful it is when it comes to increasing your ranking on the search engine.

Video SEO really is as straightforward as it sounds, it’s creating videos for SEO purposes.

Put simply; you create a new video – say in Youtube editor or Vimeo and then optimise it to improve it’s ranking in the search engines. Simple eh?

If your video is optimised it will be found, if it gets watched over again, likely the ‘watchers’ will click through to you website. Sounds good doesn’t it!

The main goal with local video SEO is to not only have the video found in the video searches but in organic searches too. If you’re a local business, small to medium business that’s struggling to get found online, video SEO for SME’s is definitely something you should start thinking about.

Local Video SEO ‘is’ The Way Forward!

One factor that is crucial with video SEO is that you provide great content in order for it to rank well. If your video is not engaging, if it doesn’t grab the attention of your audience then like with a poor website UX, they’ll be off to the next video!


The best videos are the ones that solve problems or provide information, these are the videos your audience wants to see, these are the videos that get saved, liked and shared on social media. Put short – these are the videos that will get ranked highly in the search engines.

If you’re thinking about video SEO for SME’s then something vital you should know is that videos are one of the best ways to use long tail keywords. If you’re smart and relevant about your metadata you’re going to nail it!

Have a look at the video below, I did a quick search “MOT Garage London” and Slocomb’s MOT Garage appeared… as if by magic. Well done guys – great work there!

This video is a perfect example of how to implement Local Video SEO to maximum effect!

Video Site Maps – they’re kinda’ important

local video seo site map

I’m guessing you all know about sitemaps and how important they are to have on your website?

Well if you’re going to look at video SEO then a video sitemap is something you need to start thinking about. By having a link to the landing page of every video included within your website this is going to increase conversion rate.

The whole point in local video SEO and video marketing in general is to attract an audience, so why not make it one step better and make your videos interactive so you can connect with viewers, trust me, they’re going to love it!  Finish off the video with asking the viewer their opinion, if they’d like to enter a prize draw – whatever floats their boat and ultimately gets them involved.

PRO TIP If viewers are involved in your videos it will only improve your sites rankings.

Another good tip I can give you about video SEO for SME’s is that videos are a great social tool. Share them on your social platforms and if they are good enough your ‘views’ will increase, and Google Analytics will show increased Social referral traffic.

YouTube v Vimeo v Dailymotion

Hands down if you want a large increased number of traffic, YouTube is the answer for local video SEO! Vimeo is a great platform and you should upload your videos there and also to Dailymotion, however when was the last time you searched for a video on another site?

local video seo youtube

My final thought for this one is pretty straightforward, go ahead and use local video SEO. Your company is going to benefit from it…ALOT. Make sure your videos are engaging and well optimised – then just watch your rankings climb higher!

If you think this could be the next great online move for your business or SEO in general then why not let us help you out, our advice and audits are free, you can even pop in and have a tea or coffee with our friendly team.
Our experienced SEO services in Liverpool have helped many companies in the past and continue to help many businesses now, let yours be the next, give us a call on 0151 329 2509.

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