Improving click through rate made simpleMersey SEO

Improving click through rate; the power of Schema

It’s time to learn the importance of Schema markup!

What Schema markup is, what it does, the benefits Schema may bring to your business and how you can use Schema for improving click through rate to your website? Ever wondered about the importance of Schema markup?

If you’re confused about the importance of Schema.. you’re not alone! Few websites use Schema markup, so seldom people know about it! This post is all about what Schema is and how it will help click through to your site.

Before improving click through rate with Schema, you should know what Schema is!

Schema markup is a library of semantic code implemented in html documents to assist search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo in providing more thorough information to users typing in search queries related to the content on your business’ website.

Let’s compare Schema markup to other markup, styling and programming languages used across the web:

  1. HTML – this markup language determines the structure of your web page. It’s the skeleton.
  2. CSS – this styling language provides style to your content. It’s the skin.
  3. JavaScript – this OOPL sets function and interactivity of your page’s elements. It’s the muscles.
  4. Schema markup – this tells search engines the meaning of your content. It’s the body language, facial expressions and attitude.

First thing’s first, in SEO we should always try new things and experiment; doing things different to the rest of our competitors.

We use what works, scrap what doesn’t work then research and test new ideas to achieve better SEO results.

Lately, improving click through rate with Schema is something I’ve been experimenting with – and to no end; what convinced me to invest time into researching the importance of Schema markup for SEO was this study done by the lovely folks over at Searchmetrics:

start improving click through rate by checking out this schema markup chart

If I could find SEO benefits on the back of implementing Schema markup – it would be another method for our website and our customers’ websites to get ahead of the local and national competition.

That’s important to us here at the only results based marketing agency Liverpool has!

0.3% of domains have Schema integration.

Just let that beautiful figure sink in for a second.

Lots of websites will publish amazing content.

An even higher number of websites will build and earn backlinks (both good and bad backlinks, by the way) Keep reading our SEO blog to learn more on the art of building great backlinks.

Some sites will even optimise their content and html tags for keywords their target audience will be searching for.

But only 0.3% of websites will be improving click through rate using Schema markup!

It’s not very often I see a low statistic like that in SEO.

So let’s take advantage of the untapped importance of Schema and start improving click through rate!

How will Schema markup start improving click through rate?

Here’s some of the ways I believe Schema in your html files can help with improving click through rate – and why I feel more local business owners and SEOs must understand the importance of Schema:

It’s all about stars, images and contextual information guys!
Check out this example – all thanks to our new friend.. Schema markup!

Start improving click through rate by looking at our schema markup examples

See all the extra information here?

It’s much more engaging and useful to a user. Engagement alone can play a massive role in improving click through rate to your website!

Remember Google’s mission statement:

“Google’s mission is to organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful

So the big G is happy with the effects of Schema markup… after all, Schema markup is a collaborative library of semantic vocabulary, developed by Google alongside other large and popular search engines.

Here’s a list of benefits, resulting in the large importance of Schema markup. To sum things up:

  1. Google approves of Schema markup!
  2. Users trust reviews.
  3. Gold stars are eye catching to users.
  4. Images are renowned for improving click through rate.
  5. Users love thorough, relevant information… and so does Google!
Does Schema improve my website’s Google rankings?

I love this question.

My answer is yes it can – but no it doesn’t, yet it kind of does.

I’ll get to why I’ve just offered a ridiculous answer in a bit.

But first thing’s first.. here’s what Matt Cutts from Google’s webspam team had to say on the whole issue of improving click through rate, Schema’s importance and does Schema impact Google rankings:


I didn’t hear the word No?

Did you guys hear Matt say No?

He said ‘not necessarily’.

So that’s not a definite no, is it?


  1. Usage metrics are a strong ranking factor for Google
  2. By improving click through rate, you’re not just improving click through rate metrics.

If your site is optimised for the end user, has useful content – dedicated to helping your users, and it has rich media like YouTube videos, interactive media and images, you’ll also increase the sessions and time spent on site metrics of your website!

So indirectly, your ranking could very well improve on the back of improving click through rate with Schema markup.

And even if it doesn’t, you should always aim to be improving click through rate because one click on a good website can mean a sale or an enquiry – and that’s why you’re here really, isn’t it?

I dream of backlinks but you should be improving click through rate with Schema!

If you’re looking to grow your business you should definitely try improving click through rate to your website by acknowledging and understanding the importance of Schema markup.

So you can start improving click through rate with Schema by:

  1. Earning users’ trust to start improving click through rate
  2. Offering detailed information to Google and your users
  3. Grabbing users’ attention to entice them to click through to your website

And if you feel as though you need to know how to use Schema markup on your own business’ website, why not get in touch with the top marketing agency Liverpool has to offer and let our team help you improve search engine ranking by improving click through rate to your website?

Hi my name is Peter, I run Merseyside Web and I'm passionate about on-line marketing. Interested in my business working for yours? Our £77 per week SEO services mean that it is now cheaper to rank a local site with Liverpools #1 SEO , than most of our competitors occupying the lower positions on Google! Check out our £77pw SEO services!

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