13 Ways To Increase Your Twitter FollowersMersey SEO

13 Ways To Increase Your Twitter Followers

Let’s Learn How To Increase Your Twitter Followers

As we all know Twitter is now one of the biggest social media platforms on the internet and people are always asking for ways to Increase Your Twitter Followers.

Due to the popular demand on Twitter this is one reason as to why so many businesses use this network.

If you are a business using Twitter then great, this is because Twitter is one super efficient way to direct traffic back to your website, this will then go on to create potential sales and new customers and of course this is what you are aiming for, I mean why else would you be in business if you wasn’t generating any sales and income?

However, what is the point in using Twitter to try direct traffic if you don’t have many followers. With hardly any followers it means not many people are going to see your tweet and therefore they aren’t going to have an impression on anyone.

So, for those of you who think you could do with some more followers I have got 13 tips which you can use to increase your Twitter followers.

  1. Target Powerful Tweets – Start by targeting well known users on Twitter, have an interaction with them so other people can see you and so your account can be viewed.
  2. Tweet About Other People’s Stuff – Don’t just be self centred about your business, your followers won’t like that, mix it up about and give others a retweet or a mention.
  3. Unfollow Who You Don’t Need To Follow – Go through your followers and un-follow accounts you don’t need to follow, your a business and a professional, it would be good to have professional followers and also it’s always good to have more people following you than it is you following, you don’t want to look desperate, you want to look like you’re worth following.
  4. Tweet During Peak Times – There are different times of the day when more people will be using Twitter, an example of this being when they are on their phones on their dinner hour at work, you want your tweets to be seen so tweet at times that they can be seen and won’t be ignored.
  5. Be A Resource On Twitter – Provide your followers with useful, informative links and resources, obviously make sure they are relevant to your business and your followers.
  6. Follow Other People On Twitter – Yeah, I suppose this kind of goes against what I previously said about un-following people but you still want to look good by following back the relevant accounts because if you don’t follow other people or follow back then you are going to get un-followed yourself and lose followers and the point is to grow them not lose them!
  7. Interact With Your Followers –  Don’t be unsocial, it is social media of course, be connected with your followers, if you think something someone has tweeted is good then let them know, they are sure to return the favour which will then get you seen by other users followers.
  8. Take Time Zones Into Account – What if some of your followers are from different parts of the world? You can schedule tweets to go out at all different times so that a variety of people all over the world can see your tweets, but it is still important to focus on your main audience in your main area.
  9. Don’t Automate Too Much – You want your followers to know your a real person controlling a real account so don’t just always have your tweets automated, make sure they look and sound like an actual person is creating them, they will have a better effect on your followers.
  10. Follow People With The Same Interests – When you do follow other people make sure they have similar interests to you because this will give you and your followers more chances to become interactive with one another as you will be sharing information you are both interested in.
  11. Use Twitter Hashtags – Hashtags are put in place for a reason so use them! By using the hashtags there is more chance of being seen by a wider range of users.
  12. Look Out For People To Follow Who Retweet – By following people who frequently retweet other people’s tweets this will be good publicity for your business because again you have more chances to get seen by other users on Twitter.
  13. Make Sure You Retweet – You can’t just expect people to retweet and you not to return the favour, make sure you retweet what your followers are tweeting about, it shows your account is active and more people will follow you as they see you are a good source on Twitter for sharing information.

Trust me, I know what I am talking about but try it for yourselves. Use these 13 ways to increase your Twitter followers and you will soon be thanking me, so all I will say is you’re welcome!

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