• facebok news feed changes 2018Mersey SEO

    Major Facebook News Feed Changes: What Do They Mean For Your Business?

    The way we use Facebook is changing, particularly in terms of how businesses and brands can use the platform for promotional purposes. Facebook has been a great social media tool for marketing in recent years, however, Mark Zuckerberg has revealed that people are spending significantly less time on Facebook and that time spent on this Read more…

  • improve search engine rankingsMersey SEO

    Improving Search Engine Rankings For Your Website (Or Getting Help)

    There is a lot that you can do to make sure that you’re helping to improve search engine rankings for your business, as there are so many ways that you can continuously improve your site. While there are specific strategies that an SEO company can undertake to ensure that they’re helping you gain rankings with Read more…

  • why social media and SEO workMersey SEO

    Social Media and SEO; The Connection is Real

    To Get to the Top You’ve Got to be Social If you’re a sociable person then the likelihood is you’re going to have a lot of friends and know a lot of people, well it’s the same online, the more you use social media the more you’re going to benefit your business and generate more Read more…